Access Keys:

Kilmoyle Primary School, Ballymoney, Co Antrim

Friends of Kilmoyle


Friends of Kilmoyle

We have a very supportive and enthusiastic Parent Teacher Association who organise numerous events throughout the year to raise funds for our school and help to promote our school in the local community. Events include fun fairs, discos, pudding parties, sponsored walks and movie nights to name just a few. The PTA also provide many rewards to our pupils throughout the year including Primary 7 Hoodies, gifts, school trips and transport to events. With the support of the wider community, our PTA fundraising has allowed us to purchase playground equipment, books for Accelerated Reader library, iPads, laptops, tuition for choir, speech and drama and much more!

The PTA post holders are:

Chairperson: Laura Boreland

Vice - Chairperson: Naomi Crutchley 

Secretary: Charlotte Millar

Treasurer: Sarah Ballantine

If you are a parent/guardian/carer of a child at Kilmoyle Primary School and Nursery, you are already part of the PTA and are very welcome to come to the meetings held in the main hall of our school. There is no pressure to attend every meeting but if one person from each family could attend some meetings throughout the year to share ideas, help with planning and organising events, we would greatly appreciate your help and all of our children will benefit from your support.

If you would like to get involved, please speak to any of the post holders named above or phone the school office and we will be happy to pass your name to the chairperson.